Can you support the next Libera tour?
The cost of producing a Libera tour in the US far exceeds the revenue we earn from ticket sales and merchandise so we rely on the generosity of donors like you. Please select a tax-deductible gift below to help us share their music in America.
You may adjust your gift by editing the dollar amount. Select the monthly option to make your gift last all year!
Libera of the US
6920 Lake Park Circle
St Louis, MO 63123
About Libera
Libera is a London boys choir with a style all their own. Their concerts feature a live orchestra, beautiful lighting, quality sound design.
With its distinctive musical style and high standards, Libera boys choir is able to bring church, Christian, and contemporary music from London to large audiences around the world, widening the horizons of the boys, while introducing many audiences to the unique sound of boy choirs.
A great way to learn about the Libera boy singers is through their music videos. We’ve selected a few representative performances so you can hear them for yourself.

This is Libera • 2015
Libera’s introduction video
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